Dragon Nest (SEA) staje się większy, lepszy i bardziej przyjazny dla Newbie
Dodany przez guru ponad 12 lat temu
9 6705
Prawdopodobnie największy i najbardziej wyczekiwany update od czasu premiery Dragon Nesta SEA (sierpień 2011 roku).
Zwiększa on lvl cap z 40 do 50 poziomu, dodaje prawie 20 subklas, nowe dungeony, questy, achievementy, nową funkcję Guild Search, przedmioty, no i wzbogaca… Item Shop, ale na czymś twórcy muszą się przecież bogacić.
Nowych graczy, którzy zamierzają dopiero rozpocząć przygodę z Dragon Nest’em nie zostawiono jednak na lodzie, baa, powiedziałbym, że dano im nowe, lepsze możliwości. Chodzi o szybsze zdobywanie lvl’i i większe ilości doświadczenia za questy.
New Town Added: Lotus MarshNew Nest Added: Archbishop Nest (Normal)5 new Lotus Marsh dungeons with additional Lv. 40 ~ 50 quests and missions2nd Job Advancements available at Lotus MarshNew Exchange Essence System: Trade five Lv. 50 essences for one of your choiceOne new Pet Achievement at Lv. 20New Guild Search FunctionBeginners Channel in Colosseum for Ranks Senior Soldier and belowNew Level 30 Costumes of the MonthNew Limited Edition Lucky Animal Package Box (class-specific) that contains one random helm: Duck Cap, Frog Cap, Koala Cap, Blue Whale Cap, Pink Whale Cap, White Flower Cap (30 days or permanent)School Uniforms returned due to popular demand, along with three new Academic uniform costumesNew 'Magnificent Black Wings' in Altea's Gacha-BoxRevamp of Level Up Rewards SystemRevamp of Party System: Search improvements and invite characters from different towns and world zones (Dark Lair, Farm, Colosseum)Revamp of Skill Tree System (Note: All existing Skill Points pumped will been reset automatically) and Skill Books are no longer required to learn new skillsCharacter Skills Re-balancingSuffix Stats Re-balancing1st Job Advancements’ time requirement is reducedDungeon: Stages are now reduced from 4 to 3: Forest Sanctuary, Silent Monastery Main Hall, Road of No Return, Dark Mines, Collapsed Mines, Flooded Downstream Ruins, Spirit Grave Tomb, Road to Death City, Dark Overlord Tower, Gates to City of DeathDungeon: Epic equipment now drops in Abyss ModeQuests: More sub-quests can be proceeded with main questsQuests: NPC Friendship Quests easier to identifyBulletin Board: EXP for low level Bulletin Board missions significantly increasedUI: Hound loading screen now comes with an orange loading bar to track loading progressUI: Option to hide Quest Mark is now set to defaultUI: Player Information Window now reflects buffed stats in tooltipNo NPC travelling fees between townsSealed items can now be sold to shops directly, but re-purchased items will be unsealedDNP Vouchers no longer tradable in Trading House (existing DNP Voucher listings on Trading House will be expired)Entrance tickets no longer required for all Nests except SDN and Archbishop NestArchbishop Nest: Characters may revive maximum of 5 times in Normal modeLadder System: 1v1 and 3v3 requirement increased from Lv. 40 to 50Ladder System: Opponent jobs will only be revealed when match startChange in Colosseum Character Mark appearance in All Kill & 1:1 Ladder ModesRequirements and duration reducedRemoval of 2012 Summer Special EventsRemoval of Summer Seasonal CostumesRemoval of English Seasonal CostumesSummer Seasonal Costumes can now be tradedCash Shop Coupon System “Unknown Error”
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