Kolejny przeciek z Elder Scrolls Online: lista umiejętności Sorcerera
Dodany przez guru prawie 12 lat temu
14 8962

Tym razem gameplay’a brak, ale mam dla Was coś równie interesującego. Wyciekła (chyba pełna) lista umiejętności Sorcerera, czyli jednej z grywalnych klas w TES(C)O, która dzieli się z kolei na 3 swoje subki.
Dark Magic – allows caster to control, knock back enemies and deal damage.
Daedric Summoning – allows to summon helpers and to increase their strength.
Storm Calling – allows to cast lightning spells and to increase their efficiency.
No to dzieła. Zobaczmy, czy pośród skilli jest coś unikatowego (oprócz UTLI-umiejętności)…
DARK MAGICULTIMATE ABILITIES(34) Anti-magic Field I For 8 seconds: Dispel enemy magic effects in area Enemies casting in area will be silenced for 5 seconds and take heavy damageACTIVE ABILITIES(-) Encase I Immobilize enemies in front of you for 3.6 seconds(4) Daedric Mines I Summon 3 mines for 33 seconds. Mines take 3 seconds to arm, then deal 5 Magic damage to nearby enemies Enemies damaged by mines are immobilized for 1.5 seconds(14) Rune Prison Disorient Enemy for 15 seconds Targets have increased health regeneration while affected(24) Dark Exchange I While channeling: Restore health and magicka Drains 20% stamina per second(50) Repulse I Nearby enemies are knocked back 6 meters and snared 45% for 4 secondsPASSIVE ABILITIES(8) Unholy Knowledge Reduce ability magicka and stamina costs by 5%(19) Blood Magic Hitting an enemy with one of your dark magic spells heals you for 5% max health(29) Controller Increase duration of your dark magic spells by 20%(39) Exploitation Increase critical strike rating by 150% when attacking targets affected by daedric magicDAEDRIC SUMMONINGULTIMATE ABILITIES(14) Summon Storm Atronach Summons an immobile storm atronach to targeted location for 12 seconds Enemies in the area are stunned for 3 seconds and take 15 Shock damageACTIVE ABILITIES(-) Unstable Familiar I Summons a familiar to attack enemies for 1 minute(4) Daedric Curse I Enemy cursed for 3 seconds, when effect completes all nearby enemies take 12 Magic damage Only 1 curse may be active at a time(24) Summon Winged Twilight I Summon a Winged Twilight to attack nearby enemies for 1 minute Taunts nearby attackers(34) Bound Armor I While toggled on: Gain 150 armor Magicka regeneration decreased by 25%(50) Conjured Ward I Create a 18 point damage shield on self and summoned creatures for 15 seconds Absorbs 75% of damage taken.PASSIVE ABILITIES(8) Power Stone Reduce cost of ultimate abilities by 15%(19) Rebate Receive 12% max magicka when one of your summons is killed(29) Daedric Protection Increase health regeneration rate by 20% while you have a summon ability slotted(39) Expert Summoner Your summoned creatures get the following benefits: Winged Twilight - Duration increased 50% Familiar + Clannfear - Movement speed increased 20% Atronach - range increased 20%STORM CALLINGULTIMATE ABILITIES(24) Overload I While toggled: Light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost ultimateACTIVE ABILITIES(-) Mages' Fury I Deals 7 Shock damage Enemies below 20% health take 13 Shock damage(4) Bolt Escape I Stuns nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds Teleport forward 15 meters(14) Lightning Splash I Leaves a pool of lightning for 5 seconds that deals 4 shock damage every 1 second An ally in the area may activate Conduit, instantly shocking enemies for 11 shock damage(34) Surge I For 10 seconds, increase power by 4(50) Lightning Form I For 6 seconds: Take 30% less damage Deal 1 Shock damage to nearby enemies every 1 secondPASSIVE ABILITIES(8) Capacitor Increase magicka regeneration by 10%(19) Energized Increase damage of your lightning magic abilities by 5%(29) Disintegrate Your lightning spells have a 10% chance to instantly disintegrate low health targets(39) Expert Mage Reduce the cost of your lightning spells by 10%
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