Phantasy Star Online 2 zobaczymy w Europie i USA na początku 2013 roku!

Jak głosi długa notka od SEGA:
SEGA ANNOUNCES THE WESTERN RELEASE OF PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 SEGA’s Epic Free-to-Play Multiplayer Action RPG Coming to North America and Europe in Early 2013
SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON – July 9th, 2012 – SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd today announced that free-to-play multiplayer action RPG Phantasy Star Online 2 will be coming to North America and Europe in 2013. For a first look at this new entry in the legendary Phantasy Star series, check out the official Phantasy Star Online 2 teaser site at
“Phantasy Star Online was a revolutionary game when it was released, and we want to make sure that its successor in the series is every bit as ambitious,” said Chris Olson, Vice President of Digital Business at SEGA of America. “We look forward to introducing Phantasy Star Online 2’s unique, easy-to-access multiplayer action to the rest of the world next year!”
Oczywiście w takiej samej formie jak Japoński odpowiednik, czyli Free2Play.
No. I zapomnijcie o TERA Online i jego słynnym „action MMO”, bo król może być tylko jeden, a dynamiką bije na głowę produkt Bluehole. A do tego czasu, zapraszam do grania w Phantasy Star Online 2 w wersji JP, bez bloka i bez KSSN – TUTAJ
Tak jak mówiłem.
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