Brad Pitt górą. The War Z nazywa się od dzisiaj Infestation: Survivor Stories

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Brad Pitt górą. The War Z nazywa się od dzisiaj Infestation: Survivor Stories

Pamiętacie, jak bodajże 2 miesiące temu wspominałem o sporze z DayZ i World War Z (filmem z Bradem Pittem). Pierwsi zarzucali, że zbytnio przypomina ich grę, a drudzy, że człon "War Z" został zarejestrowany dużo wcześniej od powstania survivalowej gry. I ci drudzy doprowadzili do tego, że The War Z zmienił nazwę na... Infestation: Survivor Stories. 

Greetings Survivors! Effective today, The War Z has changed its name to Infestation: Survivor Stories. This change has come about primarily as a result of some confusion and trademark issues with a similarly titled property. While we were reluctant to rename the game so long after launch, especially with nearly 1 million registered players, it was ultimately decided to be in the best interest of our existing community as well as future players in order to eliminate confusion. Please rest assured that this will in NO WAY affect you as players. The only difference you will see is the change in logo and website. There will be no interruption of service or change in content. So, welcome to Infestation: Survivor Stories – have fun and stay alive!

Czy z nowym tytułem przyjdą nowe, lepsze czasy? Pff. 




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