Tak wygląda Skill Tree w The War Z

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Tak wygląda Skill Tree w The War Z

Wygląd Skill Tree będzie identyczny dla wszystkich, bo jak pewnie wiecie (albo i nie), The War Z nie posiada klas postaci.

Będziemy mogli jednak wybrać, która ścieżka rozwoju jest dla nas bardziej opłacalna, więc po jakimś czasie wykrystalizuje się pewien obraz bohatera i jego specjalności.

Drzewko dzieli się na cztery typy: Physical Tree, Survival Tree, Repair Tree oraz Weapons Tree:

Alive and Well 1 Increased health 1
Rule #1 1 Increased Stamina 1
Strong Like Bull 1 Carry more weight 1
No Rest For The Wicked 1 Faster Stamina regeneration 1
Rule #1 2 Increased Stamina 2
No Rest For The Wicked 2 Faster Stamina regeneration 2
Strong Like Bull 2 Carry more weight 2
Alive and Well 2 Increased health 2

Close combat 1 Increased melee damage 1
On target Reduce weapon Spread
Close combat 2 Increased melee damage 2
Keep it steady Lower weapon recoil
Concentration 1 Hold breath longer / sniper
Close combat 3 Increased melee damage 3
Concentration 2 Hold breath longer / sniper

Hunger Strike 1 Hunger decreases slower 1
Field Medic 1 Improved bandages 1
Stalker Quieter footsteps
Survivalist 1 When out of food and water, players health decreases slower 1
Stunt Man 1 Take less fall damage 1
Hunger Strike 2 Hunger decreases slower 2
Field Medic 2 Improved bandages 2
Survivalist 2 When out of food and water, players health decreases slower 2
Stunt Man 2 Take less fall damage 2
Field Medic 3 Improved bandages 3
Hardened Take less damage overall
Walker Stalker Lowers detection radius when near zombies

Handyman Repair items 1
Gunsmith Repair guns 1
Handyman Repair items 2
Gunsmith Repair guns 2

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