Te "piksele" są warte setki tysięcy złotych. Wielka wystawa w Tibii. Najlepsze, najdroższe i najbardziej rzadkie przedmioty w jednym miejscu

Dodany przez guru około 11 lat temu
24 22432
Te "piksele" są warte setki tysięcy złotych. Wielka wystawa w Tibii. Najlepsze, najdroższe i najbardziej rzadkie przedmioty w jednym miejscu

Drodzy Tibijczycy (reszty to pewnie nie zainteresuje), wczoraj na serwerze Rubera miała miejsce wystawa najlepszych, najdroższych i najrzadszych przedmiotów w Tibii. Wszystkie warte miliony, miliony golda.

Ostatni taki „pokaz” miał miejsce 10 lat temu na Antice, więc i zainteresowanie było odpowiednie duże. Nie wpuszczano wszystkich naraz („tłumy stały przed drzwiami wejściowymi, wszyscy czekali na swoją kolej").

A jakie cacka były na wystawie? Demon legs, Golden goblety, Djinn Blade, Crystal Mace, Twin Axe, Ravager’s Axe, Amazon Helmet itp. itd.

15:58: You see demon legs (Arm:9).
15:58: You see a spellbook of ancient arcana (Def:19, magic level +4, protection death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher.
15:58: You see demon legs (Arm:9).
15:59: You see a spellbook of ancient arcana (Def:19, magic level +4, protection death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see demon legs (Arm:9).
15:59: You see a thorn spitter (Range:6, Atk+9, Hit%+1).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see demon legs (Arm:9).
15:59: You see a thorn spitter (Range:6, Atk+9, Hit%+1).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see a spellbook of ancient arcana (Def:19, magic level +4, protection death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see a thorn spitter (Range:6, Atk+9, Hit%+1).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see a spellbook of ancient arcana (Def:19, magic level +4, protection death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see a thorn spitter (Range:6, Atk+9, Hit%+1).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
15:59: You see a mini mummy.
15:59: You see a twin axe (Atk:45, Def:24).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 50 or higher.
15:59: You see a phoenix shield (Def:34).
15:59: You see a magician hat (Arm:1).
15:59: You see a crystal mace (Atk:38, Def:16 +1).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 35 or higher.
15:59: You see a mini mummy.
15:59: You see an ornamented brooch (Arm:2).
15:59: You see a holy scarab.
15:59: You see an ancient tiara.
15:59: You see a djinn blade (Atk:38, Def:22 +2).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 35 or higher.
15:59: You see a pharaoh sword (Atk:41, Def:23 +2).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 45 or higher.
15:59: You see a mini mummy.
15:59: You see a mini mummy.
15:59: You see a ravager's axe (Atk:49, Def:14).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 70 or higher.
15:59: You see a holy falcon.
15:59: You see a golden goblet.
GM Henceforth wrote on 18. Aug 2010: 
In memory of the

ERA of 


Humbly signed,
GM Henceforth
15:59: You see a golden goblet.
You read: To Henceforth Family, Rubera's oldest guild, commemorating Tibia's 15th anniversary.
15:59: You see a medal of honour.
CM Rejana on Rubera wrote on 04. Dec 2009: Awarded to Himork, for creating a wonderful fansite item suggestion for TibiaVenezuela.com
15:59: You see an arcane insignia.
Mirade on Rubera wrote on 16. Jan 2014: Jimski's message to Sun Henceforth: 

First prize in the friends forever contest: 

Sun Henceforth!

15:59: You see a bronze trophy of excellence.
CM Rejana on Rubera wrote on 04. Dec 2009: Congratulations to Himork, third place winner of the fansite item competition of Tibiavenezuela.com!
15:59: You see a disgusting trophy.
15:59: You see the Vampire Count's medal.
15:59: You see Chayenne's magical key.
15:59: You see Bolfrim's golden bug trophy.
15:59: You see Siramal's golden bug trophy.
15:59: You see Delany's golden bug trophy.
15:59: You see Countess Sorrow's frozen tear.
15:59: You see a piece of Massacre's shell.
16:00: You see the Handmaiden's protector.
16:00: You see a vial of lifefluid.
16:00: You see the Plasmother's remains.
16:00: You see a vial of manafluid.
16:00: You see Mr. Punish's handcuffs.
16:00: You see Dracola's eye.
16:00: You see the Imperor's trident.
16:00: You see a tin key.
16:00: You see a scorpion sceptre.
16:00: You see orshabaal's brain.
16:00: You see bunnyslippers.
16:00: You see dragon scale boots (Arm:3, protection fire +3%, ice -3%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 70 or higher.
16:00: You see a yellow rose.
16:00: You see the devileye (Range:6, Atk+20, Hit%-20).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher.
16:00: You see a yellow rose.
16:00: You see a yellow rose.
16:00: You see a voltage armor (Arm:13, protection energy +3%, earth -3%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 60 or higher.
16:00: You see an earthborn titan armor (Arm:15, axe fighting +2, protection earth +5%, fire -5%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher.
16:00: You see a horned helmet (Arm:11).
16:00: You see a tempest shield (Def:36).
16:00: You see the stomper (Atk:51, Def:20).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher.
16:00: You see a ball gown.
16:00: You see a yellow rose.
16:00: You see an amazon helmet (Arm:7).
16:00: You see a yellow rose.
16:00: You see a chain bolter (Range:3, Atk+4).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 60 or higher.
16:00: You see a yellow rose.
16:00: You see crystal boots (Arm:3, protection ice +3%, energy -3%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 70 or higher.
16:00: You see golden boots (Arm:4).
16:00: You see a fur cap (Arm:3).
16:00: You see a thunder hammer (Atk:49, Def:35 +1).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 85 or higher.
16:00: You see a shield of honour (Def:33).
16:00: You see a demonbone (Atk:48, Def:38 -2).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 80 or higher.
16:00: You see a ravenwing (Atk:45, Def:22 +1).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 65 or higher.
16:01: You see a decorative ribbon.
16:01: You see a dread doll.
16:01: You see a vampire doll.
16:01: You see a gamemaster doll.
GM Manina Rubera wrote on 09. Sep 2010: Given to GM Borr Henceforth in honour of his excellent work in the service of the Tibia community
16:01: You see a stuffed toad.
16:01: You see a bear doll.
16:01: You see a fan doll of Queen Eloise.
16:01: You see a teddy bear.
16:01: You see a terran rainbow shield (Def:37, faster regeneration).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher.
16:01: You see a green tome.
16:01: You see a red tome.
16:01: You see a fiery rainbow shield (Def:36, shielding +3).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher.
16:01: You see an icy rainbow shield (Def:39).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher.
16:01: You see a blue tome.
16:01: You see a purple tome.
16:01: You see a sparking rainbow shield (Def:36, speed +10).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher.

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