Masowe zwolnienia w Trion Worlds (ArcheAge, RIFT) i Perfect World Ent. (Neverwinter, Forsaken World)

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Masowe zwolnienia w Trion Worlds (ArcheAge, RIFT) i Perfect World Ent. (Neverwinter, Forsaken World)

Komunikat Trion Worlds:

As we come out of our largest launch season in the company's history, we can confirm that we did eliminate a handful of positions to focus our efforts on game development, publishing, and operation. We always strive to keep everyone following launches and have done so in recent years. While we did bring a number of people into game development positions, we regrettably could not bring all of them. We deeply appreciate their efforts, and their contributions should not in any way be diminished or forgotten.

Komunikat Perfect World Entertainment:

This week, Perfect World Entertainment did experience a reduction in staff of under 30 employees. Perfect World employs thousands of people from all over the world and decisions like this are always difficult. However, we are incredibly grateful for the contributions of those individuals impacted and will do our best to help each of them through this transition. This reduction in workforce will not impact any of the games published by Perfect World Entertainment. 

Zachowajcie jednak spokój. Masowe zwolnienia w Trion Worlds i Perfect World Entertainment nie będą miały wpływu na istniejące tytułu MMO lub MMORPG. Podobno…

Nikt nie ma zamiaru zamykać ArcheAge, RIFTA, Neverwinter (Online), Perfect World International, Forsaken World, Trove, Defiance, Devilian, War of the Immortals, Battle of the Immortals, Swordsman Online, Star Trek Online i kilku innych równie znanych tytułów. Na razie możecie spać spokojnie, chociaż nie wiadomo, co przyniesie przyszłość. 

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