Spiderman załamany, bo Marvel Super Hero Squad Online ogłasza zamknięcie serwerów

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Spiderman załamany, bo Marvel Super Hero Squad Online ogłasza zamknięcie serwerów

Dear Marvel Super Hero Squad Online Community,

Marvel Super Hero Squad Online launched more than five years ago. Over that time we’ve released 196 playable characters and 80 missions, along with countless other additions and improvements to the game. We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished, but the time has come for the final update to the game, which comes this week.

The game will be available until January 2017, and there’s likely still plenty of content for you to unlock over hours and hours of gameplay. We are cutting Gold and Fractal prices of all Characters by 20%, so you can try out all of it! All Jr. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent benefits remain in force, and everything remains available. We will no longer sell Gold, but we are upping the fractal drop rate, so you should be able to unlock and play everything.

We’d also like to send a huge thank you to all of those who have played and supported SHSO over the past few years. We’ve had the best time making it, and have especially loved hearing directly from you how many kids, parents, and everyone in between have enjoyed and connected over this game.

Thanks for all the great times,

–The Gazillion Super Hero Squad Online Team

Pożegnajcie Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, który zostanie z nami jeszcze tylko przez trzy miesiące. W styczniu 2017 roku, serwery gry zostaną zamknięte na amen.

Był (nadal jest) to bardzo rodzinny i bardzo społecznościowy MMORPG skierowany do najmłodszej części graczy. Nie było tutaj krwi, brutalności czy „mocnego” języka. Nawet superbohaterowie Marvela (Iron Man, Spiderman, Thor itd.) zostali przekształceni w swoje kreskówkowe wersje.  

Najważniejsza informacja jest jednak taka, że Marvel Heroes w żaden sposób nie ucierpi na zamknięciu Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. Pomimo, że za jedną i drugą gre odpowiada ta sama firma, Gazillion Entertainment.  

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