Fani FFXIV to mają dobrze. Za chwilę dostaną patcha 2.4, a na wiosnę ogromny dodatek

Dodany przez guru ponad 10 lat temu
3 3345

Dopiero co pokazano trailer i szczegółową liczbę nowości w nadchodzącym, ogromnym patchu 2.4, a już zapowiedziano nowy. Ale nie patch, tylko DODATEK, kilkanastokronie większy od tego, co zobaczymy za parę tygodni w FFXIV.

Nazywa się Heavensward i wyjdzie na wiosnę 2015 roku. Podobno przyniesie nową rasę, dungeony, joby i...

Going to Ishgard
Heavensward because there are multiple Heavens and multiple way to get to heavens.
Focused on thousand year Dragonsong War between Ishgard and Dravania
Story focuses on how player plays in war
Also focuses on the Wyrmking versus Throdan and the Knights Twelve
Level 60 Cap, for all jobs (including Hand/Land)
Massive new areas (I'm guessing bigger than what we have) (they'll discuss more at a later panel)
New race (Viangaa, but that's a joke haha); male and female, but not revealed
Multiple new jobs
All new primals (one of which is completely original to XIV)
Challenging new dungeons (emphasis on challenging?); not 3 or 4, but many new dungeons
New high-end raids
Airships! For FCs to build together, will be expanded past what's in 3.0
New gear and recipes (which is a given





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