Joł ziomale, oto zarąbisty, hip-hopowy kawałek o Guild Wars 2

Dodany przez guru ponad 12 lat temu
15 4914

Rapowe klimaty są mi kompletnie obce, więc nie jestem godzien oceniać „warsztatu” afroamerykanów z Verse Academy i ich Guild Wars’owego kawałka.

Zostawiam to wam.

Song do ściągnięcia TUTAJ


I come from a people that were pushed to the limits

so close to death that I talk to the spirits

hope in a breath, pray the gods do hear it

divine retribution, my people do fear it


Ever since the silence of the heavens

people going hungry cause the bread ain't leaven

dying on the streets, clutching they weapons

dragons descend, forget who you reppin'


That's why I walk the streets like I'm a mastodon

cause I remember the sacking of Ascalon

fire brimstone the city was breached

It was a sad retreat to Divinity's Reach


If you look to the heavens then that hope will defeat you

you won't find the gods in a steeple

we look to each other when we need to and see to

cause you could kill a city but not hope in a people


I hope you got your sword and your dagger

when dragons descend, it all don't matter

Scream to the heavens, the gods have in store

This is the result when the Guild is at War


The Dragons have always been here

Why fear? -- I revere the Pale Tree's years

The gods are silent but our spirit is strong

We mold destiny Divinity's Reach in palm


and though the Shining Blade left Ronan broken

Fellowship with Ventari nurtured dreams awoken

Where life goes we'll bring a piece of the Grove

Cause the only lasting peace is the peace within your soul.


When this Charr spits bars, he's leaving your back bleedin' 

these wack heathens, bow to the depths of the Ash Legion

my packs feedin', fire and flame -- iron and brimstone

check out battleaxe, impact checkin' your chin bone

Rep for the warhounds, sounds leavin' you torn down

Never grew up as a pup -- I was born down

Burn to high hells, bringing you more fire

ghost cats like when Ascalon summoned the Foefire



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