Valve: "Po co nam gra MMORPG? Mamy przecież Team Fortress 2"

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Valve: "Po co nam gra MMORPG? Mamy przecież Team Fortress 2"

Może nie tak dosłownie, ale taki był kontekst wypowiedzi Robina Walkera dla

MMOs were the dominant story in the industry, and one concern we had was that we might not be able to survive if we didn't build one

We didn't think we were ready to undertake that, but we did think that we might be able to build some pieces of one, learning enough so that if or when we did need to build one, we had less risk on the table. We decided that persistent item design and storage seemed like a reasonable amount of risk for us to bite off, and could be made to fit into TF2's gameplay

In the end, TF2 has been ended up being one of the most useful tools we’ve ever built to reduce risk in our company’s future. It’s been really nice that it’s also brought in significant revenue throughout that time, but ultimately, the importance we place on understanding our business and our customers has made it totally worthwhile

Trudno się z tym Panem nie zgodzić. Z Team Fotress 2 zrobiono prawie-MMORPG'a z ogromną ilością użytkowników, gdzie biznes opiera się na mikrotransakcjach. Chociaż i tak największym sukcesem będzie DotA 2, która już teraz – w fazie CBT – ma po 90k aktywnych graczy dziennie i jest już TOP1 w statystykach STEAM. Po premierze będzie pewnie kilka razy tyle.

Choć kto z nas nie chciałby zobaczyć i zagrać w MMO od legendarnego Valve? No właśnie.




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