Nawet twórcy Elder Scrolls Online twierdzą, że Black Desert jest Pay2Win

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Nawet twórcy Elder Scrolls Online twierdzą, że Black Desert jest Pay2Win

Na kończących się dzisiaj targach gamescom 2016 odbyła się malutka konferencja z udziałem przedstawicieli ZeniMax Studios. Przez ponad godzinę rozmawiano o przyszłości Elder Scrolls Online i nowościach, jakie nawiedzą wkrótce Tamriel. 

Pewien użytkownik Reddita nie tylko nagrał większość występienia, ale w kilkunastu puntkach (dla tych, którym nie chce się oglądać) podsumował najważniejsze kwestie. 

  • All DLC pack will be in the Crown Store. It will be about 5500 crowns and it contains the 4 DLCs exapt Shadows of the Hist.
  • One Tamriel update will be a FREE basegame patch with an overhaul of all dungeons that don't have a vet mode yet. They will all have a normal and an extendet vet mode version. They will also drop the 17 new monster sets that have been datamind.
  • Every normal alliance zone will drop 3 of the currently random world drop sets bound to the zone. The sets drop based on your level so that you can go back with max level to farm them.
  • Crown Store: There will be "purely cosmetic" Loot Crates for about 400 crowns each. The chance to get items from the crates is based on how expensive/rare the items were/are. So lower chance for rare items and a chance you'll only get crap.
  • Items (potions/upgrades/xp scrolls etc.)
  • Costumes/Personalities (currently in the store and old limited time ones)
  • Mounts and Pets (currently in the store and old limited time ones even the ones that never have been in the crown store on console, they can also have mounts/pets from digital collectors editons. Excluded: Imperial Edition and eso sub reward mount/costume)
  • They will talk about new additional active ability skillines tomorrow (I asked if they will add more weapon skillines. Did not get more info about this out of him)
  • Players that use bugs/exploits on purpose (and not just for testing if its realy bugged) have been permanently banned. E.g. there were people that used the Salvation set bug to run Vet DSA alone 20 times or that did VMSA 50 times in one night with it.
  • Craglorn will be reworked for One Tamriel
  • There will never be pay to win in the Crown Store, they played BDO too and they hate what they did.
  • They reworked how low level player scaling in the DLC dungeons work, this fixes will be out with update 12.
  • Update 13 aka Housing you'll have training dummys in your yard. No open world dummys are planned because they have the problem of debuffs of other players on a dummy you want to test on. We suggested to add them anyway to not let everyone sit in their house alone, they will think about it.
  • Cleansing ritual giving cooldown on other synergy abilities e.g. Necrotic Orb is a bug and they will look into it.
  • They know LFG is still broken, they said they are "ashamed" and very sorry that the last attempts to fix it did not work. They are still working on it.

Ciekawe, ale jeszcze ciekawsze jest to, co powiedziano o Pay2Win… i dlaczego w tej kwestii posłużono się przykładem Black Desert.

There will never be pay to win in the Crown Store, they played BDO too and they hate what they did.

Wychodzi na to, że twórcy ESO grali w Black Desert i też uważają ostatnie zmiany za P2W. Ciekawe tylko, czy to rzeczywiście prawda, czy chcą się nam tylko przypodobać i nabić przy okazji trochę punktów u "skrzywdzonych" fanów BDO? Nie wiem, ale fakt faktem, że w swoim Item Shopie (Crown Store) nigdy nie zamierzają umieszczać przedmiotów należących do grupy Pay2Win.

I miejmy nadzieję, że dotrzymają słowa, bo szkoda byłoby niszczyć tak świetnego MMORPG. 

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